As we all know roof gardens, floor gardens, green facades are growing trends in todays architecture. I believe the main reason is in vertically growing cities people feel they lost contact with nature so they creat some artifice that feels like nature. So when I was searching for my master thesis I run into an article where they critisize this trend.
‘’At times they place vertical gardens on the outer walls of their buildings; other times they cover the rooftops with plants, calling it a “roof garden,” as if there weren’t enough earth in the world to plant gardens; yet others cover the building entirely in plants. They cover rooftops, walls, whatever it may be, even themselves, as if camouflaging in preparation for a non-existent war. All of it is “contra natura”: difficult, expensive, and grossly difficult to maintain. It is, however, demagogically popular.’’ [Alberto Campo Baeza,2015]
‘’At times they place vertical gardens on the outer walls of their buildings; other times they cover the rooftops with plants, calling it a “roof garden,” as if there weren’t enough earth in the world to plant gardens; yet others cover the building entirely in plants. They cover rooftops, walls, whatever it may be, even themselves, as if camouflaging in preparation for a non-existent war. All of it is “contra natura”: difficult, expensive, and grossly difficult to maintain. It is, however, demagogically popular.’’ [Alberto Campo Baeza,2015]